Our Staff

Joseph Rahm

Lead Pastor

Joining us in 2021 as our second Lead Pastor since the inception of Trellis Church, Joseph Rahm has experience and background in numerous adventures such as starting a school for marginalized women in Honduras, teaching  and equipping them to break out of the poverty cycle. He also served as the missions pastor in Tennessee and an NGO assisting families into long-term housing, along with a doctorate degree in organized leadership. Above all, Joseph is most passionate about God's word and discipling God's people. 

Kasra Soltani

Associate Pastor

With a background in children's ministry, youth ministry, communications, and more, Kasra Soltani has been guiding & supporting people/programs/projects at Trellis Church since 2013. He's able to help and support our departments and special efforts, and help achieve objectives through a team oriented approach and efficiency, that always holds relationships and unity at the core of it all.

Zack Gregor

Youth & Worship Pastor

Zack has been in youth and church ministry since 2009. He graduated from Gateway Seminary in 2022 and we are very excited to see how God uses Zack during his time with us as he furthers his ministry with our Trellis Church youth, their families, and leading our worship ministry teams.

ConnieSue Soules

Children's Director

A founding member of Trellis Church and the Children's Ministry Director since 2007, ConnieSue has an incredible heart in seeing children brought up through wisdom, love and grace of the Bible. She has built an amazing volunteer force that lead, teach and love our children on a weekly basis.

Nicole Gosney

Outreach Director

Having served in administration and finance, Nicole is now leading our efforts to engage and meet the needs of our immediate and broader communities, through tangible, fun and creative ways. 

Sarrie De Jong

Office Administrator

Bringing her gifts for serving others with joy to the offices since 2019, Sarrie aides the staff in their projects and tasks that carry out the overarching mission here at Trellis Church.

Our Elders

Dave Parker            

Kasra Soltani                    

Sean Hanley