How it all started...
Trellis Church is a community of people who love Jesus and believe that he loves this world he created. We are aware of the fact that, as human beings, we have disconnected from our Creator bringing a lot of hurt and pain upon this planet. Jesus began a rescue mission when he came to earth. He came to rescue us from the anger and hopelessness, from the suffering and loneliness, from all that we fear and run from in this life. We believe he has invited us to be a part of that rescue mission. We began our journey together in 2001, as Eastside Christian Fellowship, meeting in various locations around Kirkland. Whether supporting/providing for students and their families at our local schools throughout the year or organizing neighborhood coat and blanket drives to serve some of the poorest in our community, generosity is now and has always been at the heart of our efforts. God loves us and fills us with hope so that we can love and bring hope to others.

A snapshot of our history:

We value the Bible as the standard for our lives resulting in Gospel-centered, relevant teaching and personal study. We value the salvation we have through Jesus and the gift of grace that has been freely given to us. We see it as “good news” that is to be shared with others. We value life transformation by the Holy Spirit which bears the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control.
We value real community—a true family—where people invest in each other, have fun together, trust, accept, care for and love each other. We value the unity we share in Jesus and make it a priority to exist in peace with each other. Even with all of our imperfections and diversity.

We value a church culture that is generous, joyful and sacrificial in giving their time, talents and resources to serve others...often meeting needs that are bigger than we are.
We value the gifts, talents and efforts of everyone as they participate in the life of the church. We are all in this together. We value being people of integrity in daily life, living courageously and making an impact in all that we do so that we point all things back to GOD.
We value the gifts, talents and efforts of everyone as they participate in the life of the church. We are all in this together. We value being people of integrity in daily life, living courageously and making an impact in all that we do so that we point all things back to GOD.